The benefits of liquid screed

by | Oct 28, 2015 | Concrete

There are two different approaches to a screed, sand and cement and liquid, the benefits of liquid screed in Cardiff are many, especially when it is used on a floor with under floor heating. The material that the heating pipes are in is vital, it is the ability of the screed to transfer heat from the pipes to the floor surface quickly and efficiently, this will result in faster response times to room heating and as a result, can have a positive impact on the cost of energy. Liquid screed flows completely around the heating pipes, there are no air pockets which are detrimental to heat rising to the surface of the floor, heat transfer is 100 percent and there are no hot or cold spots in the room.

Conventional sand and cement screed must be laid 75 mm on top of under floor heating pipes, when liquid screed is used this dimension id cut to 50 mm, this means that the screed drying time is reduced considerably. Perhaps more important than drying time is the fact that the heat will transfer to the room faster because there is less material and liquid screed in Cardiff is more efficient at transferring heat. You can click here to know more.

Floor screed is expensive; by keeping the screed to a minimum depth it also keeps the cost at a minimum. It is estimated that every 5mm of additional screed costs over £1.00 per square metre.

Building standards demand that when using liquid screed over under floor heating pipes it must be a minimum of 25mm over the top of the pipe which is usually 16mm diameter. This totals 41mm but most engineers specify a 50mm screed. On the surface this may seem excessive especially when the cost per mm is taken into account; however it is better to have enough of a tolerance to work with as the pored floor may not be perfectly level.

Another benefit of using liquid screed in Cardiff is the drying time. Drying time for sand and cement screeds is considerably longer than the drying time for liquid screed, this results in considerable savings in time when taking the entire project into account. Using liquid screed lets you get busy with the final flooring far faster than you would be able to using traditional screed. Liquid screed can be force dried as well, the under floor heating can be activated a week after the screed is laid, this, along with a dehumidifier or a halogen space heater can reduce the drying time by half.

For a superior floor surface nothing does it better than liquid screed in Cardiff. If you are installing under floor heating it is by far the better choice as you benefit from rapid drying, rapid heat transfer, and reduced energy costs.

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